Any of several winter squash plants producing large greyish-green football-shaped fruit with a rough warty rind.
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1Hubbard Squash whom I respected lived in this part of the town.
2Hubbard Squash made a round of all the guests, drinking to their health.
3Steam Hubbard Squash, or good sweet pumpkin, until soft, and put through a colander.
4Hubbard squash is nice cooked in the same manner.
5Then the tardy Hubbard Squash apologetically entered, and politely explained that he was unavoidably detained.
6I can't be laughing at Hubbard Squash; I shall become Sweet Potato myself before long.
7Only I was sorry for Hubbard Squash who, having heard the remark, became still paler.
8There was no telling how far the "good-naturedness" of Hubbard Squash might go.
9Porcupine bitterly condemned Hubbard Squash for being too good-natured.
10This aged lady, who looked well-refined, was certainly mother of Hubbard Squash whom she resembled.
11Hubbard Squash regularly rides in the second class.
12And why were the Hubbard squashes so tasteless and why was maple syrup so very different?
13I parted from Hubbard Squash on the way, and it was past eleven when I returned home.
14While I was smoking a cigarette on a bench, my friend Hubbard Squash happened to come in.
15The Hubbard Squash should be grown in hills seven feet apart, and three plants allowed to a hill.
16Hubbard Squash was kind enough to go along with me and find out if the rooms were vacant.